Monday: 7 AM & 12 PM
Tuesday: 7 AM & 12 PM
Wednesday: 7 AM & 12 PM
Thursday: 7 AM, 12 PM, & 6:30 PM (Spanish)
Friday: 7 AM & 12 PM
Saturday: 8 AM
Saturday: 5 PM*
Sunday: 8 AM* | 10 AM (Live Streamed) | 12 PM | 2 PM (Spanish, Live Streamed) | 4:30 PM | 7 PM Spanish*.
Note: Mass times marked with an asterisk (*) are non incense masses.
St. Ann Nursery
The nursery is available for parishioners in Room 306 during:
The 5:00 PM Saturday Mass
8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 2:00 PM, and 4:30 PM Sunday Masses
Before a child can attend the Nursery, all families must have a free KidCheck account through www.kidcheck.com.
(Mass Nursery serves ages 6 months - 4 years)
Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 12 PM
Tuesdays: 7 PM
Saturdays: 8 AM
Note: Confessions will continue until the last person leaves.
Confessions are canceled on the following dates:
February 24
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration is available in the PEA Chapel, which is located across the parking lot from the Main Church.
Hours: 6 AM-10 PM
The chapel is accessible only to scheduled weekly adorers from 10 PM-6 AM.
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