Welcome to St. Ann Catholic Parish!

St. Ann Catholic Parish brings people to Jesus, forms disciples, and sends them to transform the world.

St. Ann Giving Day - Give Up Your Cup!

For just one day, skip your coffee, takeout, or a treat to support Magi Ministry and Thanksgiving Baskets.

Your act of generosity will bring joy to thousands. Make a difference today – your sacrifice changes lives.

What Are Magi Ministry and Thanksgiving Baskets?

Magi Ministry brings Christmas cheer by providing gifts to those who might not receive any.

Thanksgiving Baskets deliver food to families in need, making their holiday season brighter.

Transcend Campaign - SPONSOR A STAR

To sponsor a ceiling star and leave a lasting legacy for years to come email Rebecca Almanza at ralmanza@stannparish.org

Limited sponsorships available.

What’s Coming Up?

Listen to our Podcast


How can we pray for you?

We are committed to being a community that prays for each other. No prayer is too big or too small, prayer can change everything. Feel free to leave your prayer requests with confidence that we are praying for you weekly.

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