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What We Believe

We believe that every life is valuable from womb to tomb. Our mission is to promote the sanctity of human life, from the moment of conception until natural death.

We believe that every human being is created in the image of God, and that each life is sacred and valuable. As such, we believe that it is our responsibility to protect and defend the lives of the most vulnerable members of our society, including the unborn, the elderly, and those with disabilities.

Our stance on abortion is clear: we believe that it is the taking of a human life and a violation of the fundamental right to life. We advocate for laws and policies that protect the rights of the unborn, and we offer support and resources to women who are facing unplanned pregnancies.

We also believe in the dignity of the elderly and those with disabilities, and we work to ensure that they receive the care and respect that they deserve. We oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide, and we believe that every person has the right to a natural death with dignity and respect.

We are committed to educating the public about the importance of valuing and protecting human life. We provide resources and information on pro-life issues, including abortion, euthanasia, and assisted suicide. We also offer opportunities for individuals to get involved in the pro-life movement, whether through volunteering, advocating for pro-life legislation, or supporting pro-life organizations.

At every stage of life, from the womb to the tomb, we believe that every human being deserves respect, protection, and love.


What is Human Dignity?

It all started in the beginning…

Every person is a unique creation, made in the image of God, with an inherent dignity that cannot be taken away. This is the cornerstone of Catholic social teaching, and it applies to everyone, regardless of their background, status, or circumstances.

Whether we are saints or sinners, free or imprisoned, powerful or marginalized, we all share in this gift of human dignity. Through Christ's sacrifice, we have been given the opportunity to live life to the fullest, and every human life is therefore sacred and worthy of respect.

As members of a shared humanity, we are called to uphold and honor the dignity of all people. It is the foundation upon which all of our other rights and responsibilities are built, and it is the guiding principle of our Church's social teachings. This idea of valuing every life is not unique to the Catholic Church, but is also reflected in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Let us embrace this principle of human dignity and work together to create a world where every person is treated with respect, compassion, and dignity. By doing so, we can build a brighter future for all.

Life at the Beginning


We recognize that reproductive health is an important aspect of overall health and wellness, and we are committed to supporting individuals in making informed choices that respect the dignity and value of human life.

We advocate for reproductive care that supports life-affirming choices, such as fertility awareness and natural family planning. We believe that these methods empower individuals to make informed choices about their reproductive health, without resorting to methods that violate the dignity of human life, such as abortion.

We also recognize the importance of supporting women who are facing unplanned pregnancies. We believe that women deserve compassionate care and support, and we offer resources and services that empower women to choose life-affirming options for themselves and their children.

In addition, we support policies that promote access to comprehensive healthcare for all individuals, including prenatal care, childbirth services, and postnatal care. We believe that every mother and child deserves the best possible care, and we work to ensure that healthcare providers are equipped to provide quality care that respects the dignity and value of every human life.

We are here for you.

If you're seeking help with a reproductive decision, we're here for you. We offer a safe, confidential, and supportive environment where you can explore your options and make the best decision for your unique situation. We believe in your inherent dignity and worth, and we're committed to helping you make a decision that respects your well-being and values.


Do you need immediate help?

Call: 972-222-9383

Are you hurting from an abortion experience?

Call: 214-544-2273

Mental Health


We understand that facing mental health issues can be a challenging experience, and we want you to know that you are not alone.

At St. Ann, we are here to support you in your journey toward healing and wholeness.

We believe that every person has inherent dignity and worth, and we are committed to providing compassionate care that promotes your well-being. Our community is a safe and welcoming space where you can find support, connection, and understanding as you navigate your mental health challenges.

We offer a range of resources and services focused on meeting your needs. Our pastoral counseling, support groups, and spiritual guidance are tailored to help you navigate your challenges and find the path towards recovery that is right for you.

We're committed to supporting you in all aspects of your life, including your mental health. Our compassionate and patient-focused approach is designed to help you feel supported, understood, and empowered as you navigate your journey towards healing and wholeness.


Suicide Hotline:

Call: 988

Child Abuse Hotline:

Call: (800) 422-4453

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration National Helpline

Call: (800) 662-4357


*Please note this list is from 2018. We do not own this list.












